Meet Ssanyu Sematimba, a powerhouse of change from Kampala, Uganda whose journey embodies a blend of creativity and education dedicated to transforming lives across Africa.

Her academic journey took her from Uganda to South Africa where she obtained her BA in Graphic Design followed by an Honours degree in Visual Communication. Ssanyu pursued further education, completing a Postgraduate Diploma in Innovation and Design Thinking from the Emeritus Institute of Management in collaboration with prestigious institutions such as MIT (Michigan Institute of Technology) and Columbia Business School in the USA.

As a member of the Goalkeepers community, Ssanyu focuses on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4: Quality Education. Her position as the Head of Creative Arts Department at the African Leadership Academy (ALA) demonstrates this dedication. Through a curriculum integrating critical thinking, cultural awareness and entrepreneurial leadership she spearheads the cultivation of the next generation of African leaders.

Within the Creative Arts and Entrepreneurial Leadership Department at ALA, Ssanyu leads initiatives where she leverages her expertise as a design thinking specialist. Her programs not only impart effective problem-solving skills to students but also cultivate a culture of creative thinking to address real-world challenges. Her initiatives emphasise the importance of ethical leadership and entrepreneurship equipping students to effect positive change within their communities.

Driven by the potential of education and creative thinking Ssanyu is committed to empowering young Africans with the tools and skills needed to emerge as leaders in their communities. Despite encountering and overcoming numerous challenges she has built a supportive network and effectively communicated her vision.

Ssanyu’s achievements include advocating for community-centred problem-solving in African design education, founding the UMUZI Youth Pan African Creative Festival and launching platforms like the Afrikan Collective. These initiatives not only underscore her dedication to SDG 4 but also highlight her commitment to nurturing an innovative and socially conscious generation of leaders within Africa’s creative sector.

When she’s not transforming education or speaking at TED Talks Ssanyu engages in activities that reflect her creative spirit from drawing and cooking to hiking and traveling.

Ssanyu Sematimba embodies the essence of a Goalkeeper. Her work serves as a beacon of hope and a testament to the transformative power of education and creativity in shaping a sustainable future for Africa. Through her visionary leadership and unwavering dedication, she not only educates students but actively engineers a brighter tomorrow for entire communities.

Contact information

LinkedIn: Ssanyu Sematimba


Published On: June 3, 2024Categories: Goalkeepers stories
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