Meet Emmanuel Bonoko, a Johannesburg-based entrepreneur and education advocate who drives positive change in underprivileged communities. As part of the Goalkeepers South Africa network, Emmanuel has contributed significantly to reducing the resource gap for young black individuals since establishing the EBonoko Foundation in 2012. The Foundation advocates for access to education and economic empowerment and has implemented various initiatives, including book drives, education development programs, and entrepreneurship programs.

Emmanuel’s desire for social change goes back to his youth. He founded the EBonoko Foundation when he was just 18. Through the Foundation he contributes to several of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including No Poverty (SDG 1), Quality Education (SDG 4), and Gender Equality (SDG 5). His academic background in marketing, with a BCom degree from the University of South Africa, provided him with essential skills to further drive change within his community.

Under Emmanuel’s guidance, the foundation has grown from strength to strength; examples of strategic partnerships with major companies include projects with Exxaro, Shell and Nedbank. These collaborations have enabled the creation of various programs, including Women in 4IR, the Education Development and Disability Programme with Exxaro, and enterprise development programs supported by Nedbank and Shell. These initiatives are designed to empower communities and foster self-sufficiency and resilience for their members.

He recounts how he encountered significant challenges during the early days of the Foundation, including securing resources and overcoming logistical hurdles. However, his marketing background provided the necessary skills to create strategic partnerships with partners to secure much needed funding and expertise. His approach of decentralising operations and fostering local leadership at the Foundation has ensured that Emmanuel could execute the Foundation’s initiatives, improving education outcomes for many young people in his community.

In his leisure time, Emmanuel prioritises personal and professional development, listening to educational podcasts and eBooks to stay informed on global and local events.

Emmanuel Bonoko stands as a proud Goalkeeper, dedicated to improving lives and empowering communities. His commitment to societal betterment positions him not just as a leader but as an agent of transformation, paving the way for a brighter and more equitable future in South Africa and beyond.

Contact: EBonoko Foundation

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Published On: July 18, 2024Categories: Goalkeepers stories
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