The Policy Innovation Lab is on a mission to build a cohesive network within the Goalkeepers (GK) South Africa community that champions progress towards the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). On September 2nd, it hosted the second session in a series of events to increase dialogue among the members and foster collaborations in reaching the SDGs.

This session focused on ‘Purposeful Networking’ was led by Priscilla Morley, a seasoned socio-economic and community development expert currently serving as the Network Manager for SDSN South Africa based at the University of Pretoria’s Albert Luthuli Leadership Institute. Priscilla’s experience spans various sectors, including government, corporations, and community-based NGOs, making her the ideal guide for navigating the complex environment of effective networking.

The session was designed to help the GKs identify potential collaborators outside and within the network who share a passion for projects aligned with the SDGs they champion. With the 2024 Goalkeepers Event approaching on September 23rd, where GKs worldwide will gather, this workshop was a timely addition to the GK programme.

Morley emphasised the importance of purposeful networking—not just as a means to achieve professional goals but also as a pathway to personal growth. She explained that networking is not a binary process limited to job searching; instead, it is a continuous activity that enriches both one’s work as well as personal life. Building a network is about creating a support system that fosters collaboration and personal development, allowing individuals to pursue multiple interests simultaneously.

One of the key takeaways from the session was the significance of persistence in networking, especially when seeking funding relationships. Morley shared stories of “serial networkers” who eventually secured meaningful connections through perseverance and showcasing the value of their work. She encouraged GKs to be patient and persistent, highlighting the importance of following up and finding areas of potential collaboration, even if initial attempts don’t yield immediate results.

The session also delved into the nuances of self-awareness and project knowledge. Morley underscored the necessity of thoroughly understanding oneself and one’s project, advocating for constant refinement and context-specific communication. She advised the GKs to do their homework and tailor their language to suit their audience, transforming “beneficiaries” into “partners” to align with modern funding expectations.

The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with GKs finding the session not only relevant to their careers but also instrumental in their personal growth. The interactive nature of the session sparked engaging discussions, with participants posing questions on topics ranging from the best practices for following up after conferences to strategies for maintaining resilience in the face of networking challenges. The insights were so valuable that several attendees requested a follow-up session.

As the Goalkeepers continue their journey towards advancing the SDGs, this session has equipped them with practical strategies for building and sustaining meaningful connections. These strategies, shared by Priscilla and refined through interactive discussions, will guide the GKs in their networking efforts.

Published On: September 6, 2024Categories: Goalkeepers stories
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